Holiday Aftermath...

The 4th of July…

The Aftermath

            Good afternoon!

(Let’s shoot straight… it is not just the 4th that gets us… it can be any holiday)

            We hope that everyone had a fantastic 4th with their friends and families, and we hope that those of you that had to go back to work today had an absolutely wonderful time (haha).

            Well… we know that this is going to be a week where people are not reading all that much, so we are not going to do a whole lot today… we will get back up to our standing and high-quality content next week when we know that everyone is back from their vacation, whether they are out of the office or not we know everyone’s brain is checked out today.

            Having said that, we do have a couple things to touch upon:

            First, at long last… IT IS HERE!

            What, you ask?  Well, Wayside’s first ever e-book!

            In fact… because we are nice… check out the front cover below:

Yeah… its good.  Anyone that has ever been in the store with notice PT in the top right…

Yeah… its good. Anyone that has ever been in the store with notice PT in the top right…

Yeah, it looks pretty good… but wait until you read the content if you like that.  In the e-book you will learn about:

·       Grading of meat and seafood

·       A strong understanding of premium meat (and why it matters)

·       Better understanding your personal tastes (yes, you can do this by reading!)

·       Proper preparation of your meat and seafood

·       And there is more… but we cannot spoil it by giving you ALL the content…

Additionally, we had even more great content to present, but we decided that it was better suited to be given to our dedicated readers later… and we will provide the content to you at a later time… and we are excited for that time to come.

If you want to help us get you that new information, we will provide it… we will make more information available to you as we increase the number of subscribers that we have on our website.

To help, if you have not already, subscribe to our blogs and e-mail newsletters.  We are thrilled to get to meet with you, and we will be proud to call ourselves your butchers! 

Having said that… let’s step away from the e-book… even though we are very proud of offering you’re the best FREE content of this type you can find.

Yes, stepping away…

Recovering from the Aftermath

            The lead up to and aftermath of any holiday can be absolutely brutal.  It can be a time sink, a cost sink, and just a drain on your mind, body, and spirit. 

            Yes, we love our holidays, and we are proud to be able to celebrate them, but man oh man… we know that it can get difficult to manage.  After all, we are a country founded on a culture of busy-ness. 

            In short, no one will fault you for wanting to kickback, binge Netflix (does EVERYONE know that Stranger Things Season 3 finally hit on July 4th?), not get out of your jammies, and have a beer or two while you effectively do nothing.

            We don’t judge… but we know that there is one key thing.

            You still gotta eat, yeah?  And while we could go out, or we could order in, the problem is that this causes us to either:

·       Stop bingeing Netflix, get dressed, and pretend to be productive

·       Call for delivery and spend money (after spending a ton on holiday food)

These points, while valid options, are not in the spirit or holiday recovery.  Not even in the slightest.

So, what do we recommend?

Simple… you gotta eat, and if you are like us, you still want meat.  So, you go simple.

Quick, easy, and still absolutely delicious!

What we are talking about are low-preparation, higher-yield food items.  Things that can be made quickly, are filling, and are satisfying.

What do you need to have on hand?

Not much… most of this will be stuff you have around, or they will be leftover from your party (or parties).

If you have the following stuff around, you can prep in very little time:

·       Macaroni

·       Mayo

·       Vegetables (fresh, frozen, or canned)

·       Salt & Pepper

·       Garlic

·       Onions

·       Eggs

·       Flour

·       Water (if you don’t have this, you have problems we cannot help you with)

·       Butter

You should get the idea… we are looking at basic kitchen staples.  If you happen to have a slow cooker, you will be in even better shape!

            The overall idea is pretty simple – all you are going to do is either have leftover meats and foods from the party, or you can easily and quickly cook some bratwurst, hotdogs, burgers, sausages, small steaks, or chicken breast in just a few minutes without getting out of your pajamas.

Hammock… chilling… how most of us felt today, I am sure!

Hammock… chilling… how most of us felt today, I am sure!

            Aside from that, boiling some water and making some macaroni is simple… throw some egg, mayo, and seasoning in there and you have a pretty solid macaroni salad.  This is very little effort, and it makes a satisfying meal.

            Consider it… you don’t want to cook, and you don’t want to go anywhere (or maybe that is just me… I wanted to go nowhere today!).  Just put it together in a simple manner.

            In 30 minutes, you can have everything you need, and you just have to either do some pre-planning or make sure that you are going to have plenty of leftovers.

            In short, do not let a holiday even drain you and your energy.  Enjoy it, and then be ready for the typical “food and people hangover” that results from this activity.  Be ready to do YOU for a day or two following.

            Be ready to chill and be ready to still be satisfied!

            OK – so, this was not as much shorter than normal as expected.

            But, if you made it this far, we are gonna guess that you really don’t mind. 

            That is it for now… we will be back with a regular post on Tuesday, and make sure to grab a copy of our e-book!  Right now, we want to get this in the hands of our first 1,000 faithful subscribers, sort of as a “trial run”.  After that… it just might disappear (maybe even permanently), so make sure to get it while you can!

            Now… please help us help you…

Did you like this information?  Did you not?  Please, let us know what you think about the content that we are giving you. 

            Is there something you want to know?  Please, let us know.  We look forward to having a conversation with you!


Wagyu vs. Kobe: The Ultimate Showdown!
