Holiday Madness: We're Here to Help.
As I'm sure some of you have noticed we've taken a brief hiatus. We've been busy bees in the background planning for the big game you all know it: THE HOLIDAYS. Is your family coming for dinner and you're stuck between finding time to start holiday shopping, wrap the presents; AND plan a full menu? We get it, we've been there.
Grandma has long since gone in the Rutigliano family, we still keep her traditions alive but it easily gets STRESSFUL. Can I get an AMEN? We're here to share a few tips and tricks for any type of holiday gathering. We'll have you looking like a master chef with a personal butcher who has your back in no time, that's what we're here for!
Ah, there's something about those holiday memories that come up during your favorite Christmas song. For me, it's during the first snow storm and the minute Bing Crosby's "Ave Maria" plays. For those lucky readers in warmer climates, it might be when you start seeing the glimmer of the holidays with decorations. Regardless, we love it and we're excited!
We've been doing this a long time, for well over 50 years in fact. We ALWAYS come back to the show stopper; the David vs Goliath of holiday meat-The prime rib. There's something magical about cutting into the prime rib and placing it on the holiday table that makes us warm and fuzzy inside. It'll bring you right back to Grandma's holiday table all over again. People's eyes light up with wonder while they're tummies grumble-It is the perfect cut for the holiday equally it’s grandiose and delicious. PRO TIP: It's important to know your head count and the type of eaters due to the specific rib count. Aged prime rib is the ruler of all holiday dinners. Here you'll find a simple recipe making your holiday truly one for the books, simple and elegant just the way we like it!
Break out the bubbly! Let’s get down to the nitty gritty details of planning!
If the idea of cooking prime rib makes you want to run from the kitchen screaming, I'm here to say we understand that too. If it seems too complex or you're not attracted to the price tag there's a plan b: Roasts.
You can virtually make a crown roast out of any rack of meat, it truly depends upon your family's preference. That's the beauty of having a butcher, we do it for you! We love doing this and recommend switching the meat for families that don't prefer beef. Requesting roasts with "bone-in" allows you to have that over the top holiday aesthetic. If you're looking for a rustic cut go for the de-boned roast, you may think about stuffing it! Here are a couple of recipe recommendations from our friends over at Bon Appetite and Taste of Home.
Perfect presentation of a frenched ribeye.
We'd like to interrupt this article for a brief low-down on "frenching". It's equally beautiful and elegant. A frenched piece of meat resembles a piece of classic culinary artwork on your table, it's truly a spectacle. "Frenched" is a culinary term utilized by chefs and butchers that describes the act of cutting away fat and meat away from the bone end of a rib chop for aesthetic presentation. One might often see older holiday pictures of the "chop frill" on the end of the chop. Most often butchers will then create a "crown roast" by forming a circle or crown shape sewn together with butcher's twine so the roast stands up. Some might dress up the presentation even more by placing a savory bread stuffing or vegetables in the middle of the "crown".
Several meats you might see frenched are pork, lamb, or most commonly in beef (any type of meat with ribs). Bone-frenching game might work as well such a duck, chicken, venison, etc.
You might see frenched steak show up on your table in the rib-eye steak (also known as tomahawk steak or cowboy steak). Typically anything frenched is grandiose in nature due to the incredible presentation. Normally, they're the most tender cuts as well making the price tag will worth the work the butcher put into it!
Now for all of my friends that are yelling "OH, (insert 4 letter word of your choice)", because you don't know what you're doing and anything including the over freaks you out don't worry we're here for you too. Legs of lamb are beautiful and simple. Poultry is also a fan favorite! Here are some great recipe recommendations from our friends over at All Recipes.
As always we recommend reaching out to your butcher! They're there to help you in all of your creative meal planning adventures!
Happy Holidays from us at Wayside Market, if you're local give us a call to order your Holiday meal and if you're not we hope this helps!
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