Soups, Stews, and Sauces
When the air gets crisp, when you can see your breath, and when little white flakes start to fall, we get a strong craving for the flavor meld that is in various soups, stews, and heavy sauces. Why is this? Who cares! Just enjoy the season and the joy that soups, stews, and sauces bring!
The Flavors of Fall
As we have recently moved into the unofficial autumnal season, we are starting to notice different scents, different menu items in restaurants… and different flavor profiles being present to add a different kind of season to our favorite meals.
The Northfork, Part II: Wineries and Wine Events
We normally talk about meat… and meat… and even more meat, but today we are going to follow up on our last post talking about events and goings-on in the North Fork of The Island. This follow-up is going to concern itself with something that Long Island is known for… but something that most people never think about.
An Introduction Perfect Pairings, Part I Beef
We have talked a little bit before about the idea of pairing different spices, and sharing different ideas as it is related to food, serving food, and preparing food. But we have not, as of yet, talked much at all about pairing! Honestly, what good is a juicy burger, succulent steak, stuffed pork chop, or perfectly marinated chicken without a collection of sides and drinks?
Polys and Monos and Sats…
Well, Friday is here, and now it is time for the weekend – break out that grill and fire it up, enjoy your beef and meats… you know that the fat is not the worst thing for you, and you might just be healthier for eating it!
There is a Magical Elixir… One that makes Meat meatier…
Really think about that; the smell of a gently warming steak, the sound of the sizzle as the steak hits the grill (or pan, we won’t judge… much), the sight of the beef popping and jerking as it slowly works up to a perfect medium rare… But, as much as we all love meat, there is always a way to make it just a *little* better.
And we talk about that RIGHT HERE!
Wagyu vs. Kobe: The Ultimate Showdown!
A picture says a thousand words… and the picture here is of Wagyu Beef (Left) and Kobe Beef (Right). There is ongoing debate about which of these is a better beef. Today, we will go over the differences between the two, and explain what you can expect out of Japanese beef!
The History of Meat: Butchering
Last time we were here we talked about the history of meat and the way it works as a part of humanity and as a portion of the human condition. Having touched on that, we are now going to go further by quite a span of time. Doing this we are moving forward to go beyond just hunting and eating, and we are going to get into the topic of butchering meat as a profession and a necessity.
The Unmitigated Truth about Food Research Studies
Have you read the studies about what food is good, bad, or generally indifferent for your body and your brain? What is interesting with these studies is who pays for them, and bearing that in mind, you should be aware that these studies might not be telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth…
Why we Stand Against Vegetarianism, Part III
If you are a vegetarian purely for respect for life principles or for religious purposes, we will not knock you for that. However, if you are a vegetarian that is so because you think it is better for your body and for the environment, keep reading to find out why this is probably not the best lifestyle choice for you! To catch up, read our first post on this topic, or go here to check out our second post on the topic!