Posts tagged environment
The Importance of Proper Meat Sourcing

There is a lot that is going on behind the scenes with your butcher before you buy your meat from the butcher.  Ethical, proper, and solid sourcing practices are what make it so you get the meat you want, you know that you are getting what you are paying for, and that this meat sources will be available for a long time.

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The Unmitigated Truth about Food Research Studies

Have you read the studies about what food is good, bad, or generally indifferent for your body and your brain? What is interesting with these studies is who pays for them, and bearing that in mind, you should be aware that these studies might not be telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth…

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Why we Stand Against Vegetarianism, Part III

If you are a vegetarian purely for respect for life principles or for religious purposes, we will not knock you for that. However, if you are a vegetarian that is so because you think it is better for your body and for the environment, keep reading to find out why this is probably not the best lifestyle choice for you! To catch up, read our first post on this topic, or go here to check out our second post on the topic!

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