Posts in educational
Meats, Meat Temperatures, and Meat Safety

Doctors have said in the past that anything less than well-done meat was bad for you, and modern doctors often say well-done meat is carcinogenic.  Chefs, on the other hand, will tell you that a piece of meat that is not medium rare or medium is ruined… so where do you begin?  Today, we will discuss target safe temperatures and prepared meat temperatures.

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The Return of Pasture-Raised Beef, pt II

Last we talked about pasture-raised meat, we went a little off on the tangent of the dangers of factory raised meat. Today, we will get into the benefits of pasture raised meat and poultry! This is important, as farms have been a staple of world culture for thousands of years, and people have often taken great pride in the health of their crops and animals, and the reputation they had for treating the animals, earth, and plants as family.

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We are back to help you Spice things Up…

Welcome back! Last week we talked about the differences of pasture raised versus factory farmed animals. Or, more accurately, we began talking about the dangers of factory farming and put the benefits of pasture-raised on hold… and we were supposed to revisit this today. HOWEVER, we got such an amazing response on our write-up on spices, we are going to put this pasture-raised debate off a week and tell you more about spices!

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There is a Magical Elixir… One that makes Meat meatier…

Really think about that; the smell of a gently warming steak, the sound of the sizzle as the steak hits the grill (or pan, we won’t judge… much), the sight of the beef popping and jerking as it slowly works up to a perfect medium rare… But, as much as we all love meat, there is always a way to make it just a *little* better.

And we talk about that RIGHT HERE!

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The Return of Pasture-Raised Beef

Farms have been a stable of world culture for thousands of years, and people have often taken great pride in the health of their crops and animals, and the reputation they had for treating the animals, earth, and plants as family. These days, these values are depreciating as the modern factory farm is taking over… and the results might make you question your eating habits!

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Eating Better, Feeling Better, an Spending Less!

There is an ancient secret…

No… not the Law of Attraction

But how to be Fitter, Faster, and Stronger… All while eating MORE, and eating BETTER, than you do now! Yes… it is a real thing, and ancient cultures (as well as cultures that adhere to these practices today) keep getting healthier!

Curious… Read on to learn this great secret to YOU and YOUR health!

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Community Supported Agriculture: The Future of Farming?

Most of us have heard the term “think globally, act locally”, but probably have not really given that a whole lot of thought. Today, we are going to talk about a wave that is not coming… because it is already here! While many people might not necessarily think global, acting local is evident with some of the new movements we are seeing, such as CSA Farming!

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The Importance of Proper Meat Sourcing

There is a lot that is going on behind the scenes with your butcher before you buy your meat from the butcher.  Ethical, proper, and solid sourcing practices are what make it so you get the meat you want, you know that you are getting what you are paying for, and that this meat sources will be available for a long time.

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